Roman Volinsky Apps

Chemical Equilibrium 2.3
Roman Volinsky
Chemical Equilibrium is a tool for accurateestimation of concentrations and pressures of the chemical reactionreactants and products at equilibrium. The application derivesfinal, equilibrium parameters based on equilibrium constants (Kcand Kp), initial concentrations and stoichiometric coefficients.Additionally, app calculates reaction quotient "Q" for any givenconcentrations and stoichiometry (Q in equilibrium is equal to Keq,so can be used for one-click calculation of Kc or Kp when allconcentrations or pressures are at equilibrium!). The user mayadjust stoichiometric coefficients to fit desired reaction, and setinitial concentrations and equilibrium constant to run thecalculations.For a general chemical reaction:aA + bB <=> cC + dD,the Reaction Quotient (Q) is defined by:Q=(C^c*D^d)/(A^a *B^b );where A, B, C, D – are compounds’ concentrations or pressures anda, b, c, d are stoichiometric coefficient*. Sum of powersdetermines the reaction order.*Importantly, actual powers may differ from reaction coefficients,due to overall reaction mechanism complexity.If Q is not equal to reaction equilibrium constant K (Kc forconcentrations and Kp for pressures), then reaction is not atequilibrium and it will proceed (due to difference in forward andreverse reaction speeds) to the direction defined by Q.If QK – reverse reaction will prevail.Example:For given reaction: 2A + 1B <=> 3C + 2D , initial reactionconcentrations are Ao=0.1M, Bo=0.2M, Co=0.3M and Do=0.4M and Kc=1M2.the Reaction Quotient (Q) is defined by:Q=(Co^3*Do^2)/(Ao^2*Bo^1 )Upon loading the data to “Chemical Equilibrium” app, ReactionQuotient is immediately calculated, giving Q= 2.16 M2. ApparentlyQ>K, suggesting that reaction is too close to the products sideand reverse reaction will prevail to bring the reaction back to theequilibrium.The new equilibrium concentrations of reaction components can bederived from the equation:Kc=((Co-3x)^3*(Do-2x)^2)/((Ao+2x)^2*(Bo+x))Apparently, solving this equation is rather demanding task, thatturns to be unnecessary, since “Chemical Equilibrium” appimmediately returns the answer: Aeq=0.1185M, Beq=0.2092M,Ceq=0.2723M and Deq=0.3815M.The application features:To start calculation user is required to fill in stoichiometriccoefficients, initial concentrations (pressures) of availablecomponents, and equilibrium constant Kc (Kp).Reaction coefficients are actually representing powers andtherefore define reaction order.To start calculation initially or after updating the concentrationor coefficient fields, user is requested to tap Run button!Significant attention should be paid to concentration, pressure andequilibrium constant units. App automatically changes the set ofavailable units as per order of reaction!The basic conversions are as follows:1 M= (1e3) mM1 atm=101325 PaThis app is a part of Bio- Chemistry, Chemical Engineering andPharmacy Lab Pack including several apps dealing with chemicalsolutions, reaction equilibrium, acid base neutralisation reaction,titration, chemical kinetics and liposome preparation.The preparation of the desired solutions may be further facilitatedby using Chemical Solution Wizard app and deprotonation kineticsmay be followed by using Chemical Kinetics app. On the other hand,pH values of the compounds having numerous functional groups(carboxylic and amino-derivatives, like amino acids) can becalculated and plotted by means of Isoelectric Point app.
Binary & Float 2.2
Binary & Float is a tool for all-the-wayconversion of numeric digital representations. It converts Decimaland signed binary Integer (32bit), Float (32bit), Double (64bit)and Hexadecimal representations.Layout. The main screen provides input and output of the fivenumeric representations. Each field has a blue button on the leftthat copy the value to clipboard and green button that paste valuefrom clipboard for convenient copy/paste interaction with externalsources.Application features.•Application provides means for conversion of numeric digitalrepresentations. The user is allowed to change Decimal, Integer,Float and Hexadecimal fields.•Tap on Float or Double field will open a new window for convenientupdate of binary float value representation. In the Float updatewindow, tap on bit cells to change the value (1<=>0).•Application simplifies copy/paste of the calculated values.•Application distinguishes between sign(red), exponential(green)and fractional(yellow) parts of Float and Double binaryrepresentations.•Application complies with IEEE 754.Important points.•After any change to the values user should press “Calculate”button to ensure update of all fields.•Upon succeeded calculation the “Calculate” button is grayedout. It turns back green, when any change was made to values afterthe last calculation.•The input into binary integer field is auto fitted to 32 bitarithmetically, so value should start from 0 if the number ispositive (input ‘1’ will be converted to 11..11, ‘01’ to00…01).•Binary integer value is not shown if the output value is notinteger or there is overflow.•Signed floating point form of Hexadecimal value is not allowedfor input.•Hexadecimal values recognition doesn’t require typing 0x infront of the number.•IEEE 754 notes:Float and Double special values:exp==00...0 frac==00...0 => Zeroexp==11...1 frac==00...0 => Infinityexp==11...1 frac!=00...0 => NaNFloating point Hexadecimal:The suffix ‘p’ represents the power of two, written in decimal:2x.• 2 in hex: 0x1p+1• 2^8 in hex: 0x1p+8• 2^-6 in hex: 0x1p-6• 0.857421875 in hex: 0x1.b7p-1
Diet Notebook 3.4
Diet Notebook is an ultimate tool to keeptrack of main food ingredients consumption and to plan and analyzedaily ration. This utility provides means for storing a basic foodand complex meal parameters to further facilitate the building ofan appropriate diet and nutrition courses.Layout:1.Calculator. Allows creation of meals and calculation of totalingredient parameters: Mass, Energy, Protein, Carbohydrates(CarboH) and Fat content. The component cells will suggest addingfood from the Food Database, based on users’ input. The multiplierfield (#) provides means for direct multiplication of allparameters in the row if several food items of the same kind wereadded. Similarly, manual change of mass will immediately update allother parameters. New food row can be added (+) or removed (x), andany row can be emptied by setting the multiplier to “0x”. Thecreated course can be further saved to the Diary (to include indaily consumption) or alternatively to Food Database.2.Diary. Includes meals that user had at defined times. The datawill be further analyzed and presented in Daily Ration section. Toedit or load data, please press on the desired row. Upon press on“edit” option user will be redirected to the Calculator wherecourse will be detailed and ready to change. The edited course willreplace the previous! If user is not interested in replacing thediary row then alternatively “load” option should be chosen.3.Daily Ration. Here the data from Diary is automatically analyzedand daily consumption details are presented to facilitate thefurther planning. The data along with personal weight can beexported at any time in the next section - Correlation Plot.4.Correlation Plot. The graphical representation of dailyconsumption along with personal weight. The plot helps to visualizeweight dependence on main food ingredient consumption and on foodintrinsic energy. This representation helps to better investigatethe diet and nutrition approach results and retrieve the nototherwise obvious dependency of the personal weight on main foodparameters. The plot can be exported as image or date (.xls format,supported by MS Office™) to the “Diet Notebook” folder on local SD.Important(!): all food parameters are associated with left Y-axis,while personal weight is associated with right Y-axis.5.Food Database. The local, manually created user database, thatcan be used to automatically complete data in Calculator based onitem name. May include basic foods and complex courses. The itemsmay be added directly by pressing (+) or imported from Calculator(in case of custom sophisticated courses). To edit the data, pleasepress on the desired row.6.Personal Weight. The Database for the measured personal weight.To edit the data, please press on the desired row. The data isvisualized in Correlation Plot section, where can also beexported.Units.The application is units free, meaning that user is free to choosethe set of units for use in the application. Usually, the mostconvenient way is to use most accepted units that appears on labelson food packages in the current region. The application was writtenwith the following unit’s set in mind: grams for mass, kCal forEnergy and kg for personal weight. User is responsible for unit’sconsistency! For proper correlation user must use the same set ofunits throughout the application. Once different units appear onthe label, user must convert the units to the chosen one topreserve the consistency!The common conversion schemes:1 kiloCalories (kCal) = 4.18 kiloJoules (kJ) : To convert from kJto kCal divide the value by 4.18!To convert from kCal to kJ multiply the value by 4.18!1 kilogram (kg) = 2.205 pounds (lb) : To convert from kg to lbmultiply the value by 2.205!To convert from lb to kg divide the value by 2.205!1 ounce (oz) = 28 grams (g) : To convert from g to oz divide thevalue by 28!To convert from oz to g multiply the value by 28!
Langmuir Monolayer 1.8
Roman Volinsky
Langmuir Monolayer helps to prepare andinvestigate thin monomolecular films, that widely used inscientific and industrial research. Particularly, this applicationis useful for preparation of lipid monolayers at air-waterinterface.This app is a part of Bio- Chemistry and Chemical Engineering LabPack including several apps dealing with chemical solutions,reaction equilibrium and kinetics, acid base neutralisationreaction, titration, and liposome and monolayer preparation.The application supports calculation of final molar concentration,volume, moles and average molar weight of mixture of up to threeindependent solutions with their optional dilution. Finally, basedon calculated parameters of the solution, the applicationcalculates the area per molecule available upon preparation of thinmonomolecular film on the given subphase.First activity, "Mixing solutions", makes it easy to parameterizeand prepare complex mixture of several stock solutions.Second activity, "Analysis", helps with parameterization ofmonolayer film composed of preliminary prepared complexsolution.Layout of "Mixing solutions". Three input rows are corresponding tothe three optional initial stock solutions (of the same ordifferent solutes), which are going to be mixed to produce thefinal complex solution. Each row consists of the following datafields: solution name (mostly named after main solute), solutes'molar weight, molar concentration in the initial solution and thevolume of the initial solution. Last cell represents molar fractionof the particular solute, that will be calculated automaticallyupon pressing “done” or “enter” key in the keyboard, and may beadjusted later to get the desired component ratio.Last row represents final solution parameters. First comes thevolume of pure solvent that optionally can be added to dilute thesolution, then the Total Molarity and Total solution volume, thatcan be adjusted at any time, on condition that molar concentrationsof the initial solution/s are provided.Layout of "Analysis". The activity window divided to data panel(left) and results panel (right):The data panel parameters:Total Concentration: Total solution components’ (lipids, etc..)concentration. Automatically uploaded from Mixing solutionsactivity and can be corrected at any time.Added Volume: Solution volume that actually used for monolayerpreparation.Trough Area: Total area of the subphase (water, etc..) surfaceavailable for monolayer (in square cm).The results panel parameters:Number of Molecules: Total number of components’ molecules inmonolayer.Number of Moles: Total number of components’ moles inmonolayer.Area per Molecule: Average surface area available for singlemolecule (in square angstroms).Additional application features.•Application includes database for storing molecular weights of thefrequently used compounds.•Solution name field is input sensitive and may be auto completedwith information stored in the database.•The application is fully interactive: all system parameters areupdated immediately after any input from user (if it is sufficient,otherwise warning will be shown).•If molecular weights (Mw, units "g/mole") of solutes are providedas well, then the average Mw can be calculated, which is importantfor monolayer preparation.Important points.•The user should follow the simple rule to ensure properfunctionality: all known data should be provided in the followingorder (Only yellow fields are editable): solution or solutenicknames (optional)-> Mw -> initial concentrations(must!)-> volumes (if known)-> molar ratios (if known)->Total Molarity (if known)-> Total Volume (if known).•If user updates molar ratios (percent only), program will notstart calculations until sum of the ratios will be 100% exactly andobviously, not before than initial concentrations areprovided.•Application assigns dot as a decimal separator.
Image Emboss 4.0
Roman Volinsky
Image Emboss is a tool for personalization ofthe images by stamping them with any kind of watermark andcopyright stamps and text. This tool supports image resizing, stampposition, size, transparency, text font and colour adjustments.Layout. The main screen allows separate load of multiple imagesto be stamped and stamping facilities (Stamper image, Date &Time, Text). By pressing the corresponding “Gallery 1” button, userredirected to the custom file/directory browser (that ensuresmultiple images loading irrespectively to android version) andfurther to image gallery. Additionally, single image can beobtained in situ by taking photo with camera. “Gallery 2” button isfurther extending image loading options, providing a way for thirdparty apps to load images. Stamper chooser menu button allowsloading preliminary prepared Stamp image or select Date & Timestamping options or any custom text. If no stamping method has beenchosen then application will only resize images. When all filesloaded the “Next” button on the main screen redirects to thestamping settings page, where the output image resolution (originalor resized), Stamper position, Stamper relative size, transparencyand various custom text options can be adjusted.Application features.•Application provides means for image resizing, stamp position,relative size, transparency, font and color adjustments.•User can choose what side (long or short) of the image toadjust to the selected resolution value.•In order to preserve original image size, the correspondinginput cell should be left empty.•Application exports stamped images to the “Image Emboss” directoryon local SD drive.•Application is stamping images with preliminary prepared imagefile or with any custom text that may also be automaticallygenerated date & time text. The custom text format, font andcolour can be changed in settings.•Application supports the following image formats: jpeg, bmp,png.•After the first successful stamping, new button appears on themain screen: “Load Stamped” that loads the most recently stampedfiles for additional stamping.•Application supports adaptive colour chooser for date and textimprints and blurring of background to improve stampvisibility.•Application rotates images automatically in accordance to therotation info in EXIF (if exists).•Three round buttons in settings allows storing three settingsparameters respectively. Long press on any of the buttons saves thecurrent settings and short click loads the stored parameters.•The application can stamp the images with actual date ofcreating image - EXIF Date&Time (if exists) or with currentDate&Time according to the chosen format.•Application tested for stability by conversion of images up to36 Mpx and on devices with 512 Mb RAM.•The output image format is jpeg.•The application supports up scaling of the Stamper files, butdoesn’t support up scaling of images for the quality reason.•Stamp size is defined as a per cent of stamp height out of thefinal image short side.•Too low output image resolution will degrade the text stampquality.•After stamping images can be viewed with third party imageviewer. Android default image viewer can show only single image,but other viewers, like ES Image Browser allows preview of allstamped images.•User may decide if the images with resolution lower than askedshould be skipped or stamped anyway. The far right button in theImage Size row allows defining the behavior.•If the option to stamp the images using EXIF Date&Time infois chosen, the files will be processed only if this info exists(attached to the file by camera and not erased later).•Usually, EXIF Date&Time can be also reformatted to thedesired format, but sometimes, when original EXIF format is notstandard, then images will be stamped only with original one.
Chemical Solution 5.1
Chemical Solution is a versatile tool forpreparation of simple and complex chemical solutions. App helps tocalculate the solution parameters upon mixing, dilution anddissolution, and solve various problems, like finding solute molesand weights and solvent volumes.Application provides users with personal support through a service,which is intended to aid the undergraduate students with numerouschemistry subjects. The involved students may submit questionsdirectly to developer.The first activity calculates the concentrations, moles and molarratios, etc. of the final solution formed by mixture of severalsolutions or by simple dilution with solvent.In most complicated case, user may input parameters of threeinitial solutions, which are going to be mixed, and optionallyvolume of solvent (to dilute) and then press "Calculate" to findmolar concentration and total volume of the final mixture, molesand molar ratios of all solutes. Except that, this activity may beused for plenty of small things:•Simple dilution: add one solution (by filling all required fields)and pure solvent to get what portions of solution and solvent youneed, to dilute solution from, let’s say, 2M to 25mM.•When molar weight of solute is available, then final concentrationin mg per ml (mg/ml is equal to g/l) can be calculated, which ishelpful for actual preparation of solution.•When initial solution concentration is provided in mg/ml, thenmolar weights of solutes are required, and application will findmoles and molar concentrations.•In the similar way, moles of solute can be found, just by usingone solution row. Input Mw, concentration in mg/ml and requiredvolume and press “Calculate”.The second activity deals with solid solutes (powders) dissolution.It provides total molarity, molality, mass/volume concentration,moles and molar ratios of dissolved solutes, based upon molarweights, dissolved masses and final solution density.This app is part of Chemistry and Biochemistry and ChemicalEngineering Lab Pack including several apps dealing with chemicalsolutions, reaction equilibrium, kinetics, acid base neutralisationreaction, titration, and liposome preparation.The preparation of the desired solutions may be further facilitatedby using Chemical Solution Wizard app and deprotonation kineticsand equilibrium may be followed by using Chemical Kinetics andChemical Equilibrium apps. Solubility and precipitation problemsare targeted by Solubility Products app. Additionally, acid basetitration and pH calculations are facilitated by Acid Base pH app.pH values of the compounds having numerous functional groups(carboxylic and amino-derivatives, like amino acids) can becalculated and plotted by means of Isoelectric Point app.
Isoelectric Point 2.4
Roman Volinsky
Isoelectric Point (IEP) is the ultimate toolfor accurate estimation of pH value at which the net charge ofmacromolecule reaches zero.This app is a part of Bio- Chemistry and Chemical EngineeringLab Pack including several apps dealing with chemical solutions,reaction equilibrium and kinetics, acid base neutralisationreaction, titration, and liposome and monolayer preparation.This application calculates a relative charge of macromolecule(proteins, peptides etc.), consisting of basic and acidic residuesas a function of pH value of solution. The application graphicallyrepresents the relative charge (actual charge divided by the molarconcentration of macromolecule) through the whole range of pHvalues and finds out the isoelectric point value.Layout of "IEP". The “Chain” menu lets to choose the various chainsfrom the uploaded FASTA file for further analysis. The sequence ofpolymer molecule is inserted into the “Sequence” field in thesingle letter format (YHRK…). The sequence can be typed or uploadedfrom the local FASTA file (for polypeptides). Long press on“Sequence” field calls for file finder dialog that let the user toupload the FASTA file from local SD. The next “Analyse” button,when clicked, analyses the sequence, calculates the total molarweight and counts and fills the number of recognized acidic andbasic residues into the appropriate cells in the amino acid infotable. Cells for acidic residues are coloured red and for basic areblue. The table comprised of nine sets of three cells per eachamino acid. The three cells provide the charge contributing aminoacid acronym, pKa value and number of this particular residue inthe macromolecule, respectively. The “-C” and “-N” cells representC- and N-terminus respectively. The “Calculate” button initiatesthe analysis of the table data (including customized input) andoutputs the IEP value. Important! Table data can be fullycustomized after or without any sequence analysis! IEP calculationuses table values, whatever their origin.Application features.• The application can extract the protein sequence (chain bychain) from FASTA files.• Estimates the isoelectric point of macromolecule based on pKavalues provided.• Application plots relative charge curve as function of pH andexport it as an image or a data file to the “Isoelectric point”directory on local SD drive.• Application provides data for most common acidic and basicamino acid residues, but every cell can be updated! Sequenceanalysis reverts the table back to its original state.The preparation of the desired solutions may be facilitated byusing Chemical Solution Wizard app and deprotonation kinetics maybe followed by using Chemical Kinetics app. On the other hand, pHvalues of simple acids, bases and their titrations throughneutralization reactions can be calculated and plotted by means ofAcid Base pH app.
Chemical Solution Simple 1.8
Chemical Solution Simple helps in preparationof simple chemical solution by dissolution of solid solute and infinding of moles, Molar masses and required weights of compounds.The app includes Molar Mass Analyser. Press on arrow in the Mwfield initiates analysis of chemical formula in the component fieldand set the value to Mw field. No charge values should be used.Valid examples: Mg(HCO3)2, CaCl2.2H2O, CaCl2*2H2O,(NH4)2Fe(SO4)2.6H2O, Mg(H2PO4)2, C6H12O6. Analyser is casesensitive.Application assigns dot as a decimal separator.Application provides users with personal support through a 10Questions service, which is intended to aid the undergraduatestudents with numerous chemistry subjects. The involved studentsmay submit questions directly to developer.List of subjects:Introduction to analytical and general chemistry.Chemical solutions: preparation, concentration units.Acids, Bases, pH, titrations, indicators.Chemical equilibrium, kinetics, solubility.
Photo Stamp Resize Crop 5.7
Roman Volinsky
Photo SRC is an ultimate tool for imageresizing, cropping, stamping, customization, personalization andautomated icon creation. App requires internal storage accesspermission in order to store edited images.The application implements state-of-the-art image processingalgorithm to preserve image quality upon resizing and stamping.Additionally, application provides means for automated iconcreation, multiple image resizing, text font and colouradjustmentsMain Interface Layout:-Gallery 1 button redirects to the custom file/directory browser(that ensures multiple images loading irrespectively to androidversion) and further to image gallery.-Gallery 2 button provides just another convenience way to loadimages by means of third party app installed on the device.-Images may also be loaded into the app by sharing from anotherapp.-Edited button provides the way for additional manipulation ofrecently edited files. The button appears when user returns to themain screen right after another successful edition.-Photo button activates camera to take a single image.Editing options menu:-Resize or Rotate.-Load Stamp 1 with the custom file/directory browser.-Load Stamp 2 with third party app file/directory browser.-Edited As A Stamp provides the way to use the recently edited fileas an image to stamp with.-Set Current Date & Time stamps image with current Date &Time text. Placement, font, colour and format can be customized atsettings page.-Set EXIF Date & Time stamps image with EXIF Date & Timetext (if available).-Set Custom Text stamps image with custom text.-Multiple Images provides means for automated icon creation bymultiple resizing.-Crop provides means for image cropping with any default or customaspect ratio.Settings options:-Output Size can be set arbitrary by providing single dimensionvalue:--Image aspect ratio is preserved--In order to preserve original image size, the corresponding inputcell should be left empty (default).--User may choose what side (long or short) of the image to adjustto the selected dimension value.--User may set whether the images with resolution lower thanrequired should be skipped or edited anyway.-Image Rotation, according to EXIF data or with presetvalues.-File Format, jpeg or png.-Stamp Place, preset values.-Stamp Size is defined as a per cent of stamp height out of thefinal image short side. Apparently complex approach allows simple,single valued, size definition across great variety of text andimage stamps and output images aspect ratios.-Transparency allows setting arbitrary value in per cents topreserve background image visibility behind the stamp. At 100%stamp is invisible! The adjacent Blur Background button provides anopposite effect by blurring background to improve stamp textvisibility.-Text Colour, preset colours or adaptive colour for date and textimprints to achieve the best visibility in respect to backgroundcolour gamma.-Text Font provides numerous presets to choose from.-Date Format provides numerous Date & Time formats to choosefrom.Three round buttons on settings pages store settings parameters.Long press saves the current settings and short click loads thestored parameters. Pressing any of the round buttons while keepingView button pressed, resets the stored values.Important points.Application exports edited images to the “Photo SRC” directory onlocal SD drive.Application supports numerous file processing at once, except thecases when special attention should be paid to the edited image(cropping and automated multi sized icons creation).After editing, images can be viewed with third party image viewer.Some image viewers can show only single image, but others allowspreview of all stamped images.Dismiss of dialog during stamping process is equivalent tocancelling of the process! The process may be too resourcedemanding to play around with other stuff.
Direct Link 2.2
Roman Volinsky
Direct Link combines one-clickcustomizableshortcuts to place calls through regular telephony orVoIPproviders and address navigation.Application features.•Top menu provides means for creation of newshortcuts,rearrangement of shortcuts order, day-night backgroundcolouradjustment and help.•Long press on shortcut enables editing or deletion.•Upon creation or edition of shortcut links, user is requestedtoprovide unique link name, optional icon image (default isprovided)and “extra” information, which should be phone number tocall,username in case of Skype or address to navigate.Destinationformat: “Street name Number, City, Country”, or:latitude,longitude.•Upon creation or edition of link shortcut:Icon button leads to local gallery from where any image canbeloaded.Extra button leads to list of contacts (if available) or to maptomanually pick a destination. Current position on the map isshownby default and can be used to create a link that will leadback tosaved place.•When shortcut is used for a first time, the Android systemmayask to choose the right application to proceed with. Up to useristo choose the application that matches the link properties.•All permission are used exclusively for theapplicationfunctionality.•All requests, questions and complaints should be submittedtoemail. Additional links are available upon request.
Solubility Products 2.7
Assists with chemical solubility, dissolution and precipitationtasks.
Chemical Kinetics 3.7
Analytical tool to study chemical reaction kinetics.
Liposome Calculator 6.3
LC facilitates preparation of liposomes.
Chemical Solution Wizard 4.7
Helps in preparation of simple and complex, multicomponent chemicalsolutions.
Acid Base pH 6.2
The ultimate tool for study of acids, bases, pH, titrations andindicators.